This letter is for you, open it!

Why is Bankya Hill Residence the perfect place for you?

Bankya Hill Residence is inspired by the modern concept of living in nature, with an emphasis on comfort and security for the whole family. The location of the complex ensures proximity to the capital and all the amenities and services it offers. The combination of spectacular scenery, climate and quick access to the big city makes the complex a unique place to live. The houses have private courtyards of up to 500 sqm for outdoor recreation and entertainment. The construction is high-end materials, stylish architecture with exceptional precision and attention to detail. The houses are designed with the latest energy saving technologies. The uniqueness of the terrain and the placement of the individual buildings provide panoramic, captivating views of each property.

Buying your home in the complex, you get a new lifestyle with high quality:

  • Bright, functional and spacious home in a detached house;
  • Private outdoor space in a private courtyard up to 500 sqm.
  • Access to all amenities of the complex – recreation, sports and entertainment;
  • A safe environment for the whole family through controlled access, 24-hour security;

Functional and aesthetic common spaces, with lots of greenery and panoramic views;


Bankya is one of the most attractive places to live near Sofia, with amazing nature, healing climate and healing springs.

Amazing view

The uniqueness of the terrain and location of the individual houses provide panoramic, captivating views of each property

Quality of construction

Quality property built with time resistant high quality materials.

Private courtyard

Spacious private courtyard to each house providing additional private space for family entertainment and relaxation.


The complex provides facilities for all ages - playgrounds for the youngest, a sports centre with tennis, football and fitness courts, a restaurant and places for picnics, relaxation and walks. There is a large supermarket of the Fantastico chain in the immediate vicinity and the residents have quick access to the various shopping facilities of Bankya.

Sport and recreation

A sports centre will be built, which will offer various sports and leisure opportunities for all residents. A fitness centre, tennis court, basketball and football field are some of the possibilities the complex will offer. A children's playground, restaurant and recreation and relaxation areas are also planned to provide additional entertainment for the residents.


The modern vision of the complex, the unique location and the quality of the construction ensure the successful rental or sale of the property at a later stage.


Bankya Hill Residence is a gated complex with controlled access that provides additional security and safety to its residents.


Flexible payment scheme, according to the client's individual investment scheme. Bank financing assistance for customers with mortgage loan.

Уважаеми читателю,

Това не е писмо за сметки, промоции или институции. Това писмо е от едно вълшебно място от покрайнините на гр. Банкя! Пишем ти от върха. Пишем ти от Bankya Hill Residence. Нямаме за цел да те засипем с красиви думи и подкани, а да ти разкажем приказка в писмо.

Имало едно време една необикновено обикновена къща.  Тя се намирала съвсем близо до София, на хълм с панорамна гледка към три планини и невероятно чист въздух. Окъпана в светлина, тя живеела комфортно в цял комплекс, потънал в зеленина и спокойствие. Чувствала се необезпокоявана и защитена в прекрасната компания на своите съседни къщи.

Един ден решила, че иска да сподели чудесния си живот с приятели и затова решила да се свърже с теб, за да изпълниш мечата й! Заповядай на адрес гр. Банкя, ул. Мусала, Иваняне!

Сърдечни поздрави,

Екипът на Bankya Hill Residence


Dear Reader,

This is not a letter about accounts, promotions or institutions. This letter is from a magical place on the outskirts of the town of. Bankya! We write to you from the top. We are writing to you from Bankya Hill Residence. We don’t mean to shower you with pretty words and prompts, but to tell you a tale in a letter.

Once upon a time there was an extraordinarily ordinary house. It was located very close to Sofia, on a hill with a panoramic view of three mountains and incredibly clean air. Bathed in light, she lived comfortably in an entire compound drenched in greenery and tranquility. She felt undisturbed and protected in the wonderful company of her neighboring houses.

One day she decided she wanted to share her wonderful life with friends, so she decided to contact you to fulfill her dream! You are welcome to visit us at . Bankya, ul. Musala, Ivanyane!

Warm regards,

The team of Bankya Hill Residence
